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Sunday, March 28, 2010
How to Permanently Delete Facebook Account
to delete our facebook permanently...
visit this address bellow :
then click Submit
bye-bye facebook :(
#ref :
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Bagaimana Cara Delete Akun Facebook Secara Permanen
Untuk meninggalkan facebook selama-lamanya :(
kunjungi alamat di bawah ini :
terus klik Submit
selamat tinggal facebook :(
#ref :
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
How to Clear Page File
run | secpol.msc | security settings-local policies-security options | shutdown: clear virtual,.. | enable
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Bagaimana Cara Membersihkan Page File
run | secpol.msc | security settings-local policies-security options | shutdown: clear virtual,.. | enable
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Bagaimana Cara Membersihkan Page File
run | secpol.msc | security settings-local policies-security options | shutdown: clear virtual,.. | enable
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Web 2.0
situs yg bekerja secara 2 arah tanpa melibatkan web master dlm pengisian konten
contoh :
google (pengisian link2 halaman), friendster (social networking)
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
System Development Life Cycle
proses pengembangan software yg digunakan oleh system analyst untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem informasi. tahapan2 : konsep software analisis kebutuhan desain arsitektural coding dan debugging pengujian sistem langkah2 : studi kelayakan analisis desain pengembangan pengujian implementasi perawatan
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
proses pengembangan software yg digunakan oleh system analyst untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem informasi. tahapan2 : konsep software analisis kebutuhan desain arsitektural coding dan debugging pengujian sistem langkah2 : studi kelayakan analisis desain pengembangan pengujian implementasi perawatan
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
perangkat padat yg tersusum dr film2 tipis, mengandung molekul organik yg dpt mengeluarkan cahaya jk dialiri listrik.
dapat diimplementasikan pada layar tv dgn ukuran 80 inci, dgn ketebalan krg dr 1 cm dan dpt dilipat seperti tikar
cahaya yg diproduksi lbh terang dr led (light-emitting diodes) atau lcd (liquid crystal display)
lapisan dasar dr plastik, led dan lcd dr kaca yg kaku
tdk membutuhkan backlihgt sprti lcd, daya lebih hemat
sudut pandang hingga 170 drjt
usia lbh pendek (10.000-40.000 jam)
rentan thdp kerusakan (air)
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
perangkat padat yg tersusum dr film2 tipis, mengandung molekul organik yg dpt mengeluarkan cahaya jk dialiri listrik.
dapat diimplementasikan pada layar tv dgn ukuran 80 inci, dgn ketebalan krg dr 1 cm dan dpt dilipat seperti tikar
cahaya yg diproduksi lbh terang dr led (light-emitting diodes) atau lcd (liquid crystal display)
lapisan dasar dr plastik, led dan lcd dr kaca yg kaku
tdk membutuhkan backlihgt sprti lcd, daya lebih hemat
sudut pandang hingga 170 drjt
usia lbh pendek (10.000-40.000 jam)
rentan thdp kerusakan (air)
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
sebuah file ZIP berisi satu atau lebih file yang telah dikompres untuk mengurangi ukuran file, atau disimpan sebagai apa adanya.
format file ZIP memungkinkan beberapa algoritma kompresi tapi, metode yang deflate tetap menjadi dominan.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information" Yahoo
salah satu mesin pencari yang populer di internet
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation
bahasa utk tranformasi dokumen XML ke dokumen XML lainnya.
bahasa stylesheet utk XML.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Wireless Fidelity
standar WLAN yg didasari pd spesifikasi IEEE 802.11x (x = standar).
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Visual Basic
bahasa pemrograman yang dikembangkan oleh microsoft corp.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
teknologi komputasi yg dimiliki GPU ATI pd generasi chip R500.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Thin Film Transistor
salah satu lcd layar datar yg setiap pixel-nya dikendalikan oleh salah satu sampai empat transistor
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Subscriber Identity Module
kartu utk ponsel GSM utk engkripsi suara dan transmisi data.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
teknologi SATA yg memungkinkan beberapa harddisk utk meningkatkan performa dan toleransi kesalhn operasi.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
layout pd keyboard, dipatenkan oleh Christhoper Sholes th 1868 dijual pd Remington pd th 1873.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
free software dibuat oleh Fabrice Bellard.
mirip dgn Bochs, Vmware Workstation dll.
memiliki fitur lebih dlm kecepatan.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Printed Circuit Board
komponen penampung komp elektronik spt kapasitor, dioda, dll dan menghubungkan tiap komp tsb dgn jalur2 tembaga yg terpatri di permukaanya.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Operating System
biasa juga disebut dengan platform diantaranya windows, unix, linux, dll
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Nickel Metal Hydride
baterai yg dpt diisi ulang, sm dgn nickel-cadmium dibandingkan lithium-ion penguran kapasitas energinya lbh rendah dan pemakaiannya lbh pendek
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Mobile Switching Center
inti dr jaringan GSM, penghubung ponsel ke ponsel atau ke PSTN
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Message Digest 5
salah satu jenis algoritma pengacakan yg digunakan utk memperkecil pesan menjadi 128bit dgn tujuan keamanan.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
MPEG Audio Layer 3
distandarisasi pd th 1991 oleh tim yg dipimpin Fraunhofer di Jerman.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Low Voltage Differental Signaling
sistem pensinyalan listrik yg dpt berjln dgn kec tinggi
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
K Desktop Environment
Desktop yang berjalan pada unix atau linux
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
istilah pada aplikasi chat untuk memasuki salah satu room"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Institute of Electrical and Electronicr Engineers
dibaca Eye triple E, lembaga non profit menangani soal perkembangan teknologi.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Internet Message Access Protocol
protokol penerima e-mail, mirip dgn POP.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Internet Control Message Protocol
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
High Speed Download Packet Access
Teknologi protokol telekomunikasi telpon genggam 3.5G. Teknologi ini dikembangkan dari W-CDMA, sama seperti EVDO yang mengembangkan CDMA2000.
Dirancang untuk meningkatkan kecepatan transfer data hingga lima kali lebih tinggi.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Teknologi protokol telekomunikasi telpon genggam 3.5G. Teknologi ini dikembangkan dari W-CDMA, sama seperti EVDO yang mengembangkan CDMA2000.
Dirancang untuk meningkatkan kecepatan transfer data hingga lima kali lebih tinggi.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
High Dynamic Range
adalah suatu teknik pencahayaan yg didesain utk mengemulasikan tingkatan pencahayaan yg ber-beda2.
menggunakan floating point textures & render target yg tdk bs dicapai oleh format data teksture integer.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Global Positioning System
sistem navigasi menggunakan 24 satelit MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) pd ketinggian 12rb mil dan mengelilingi bumi 2x dlm 24jam.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Graphics Processing Unit
processor pd video card.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Global Navigation Satellite System
pesaing GPS, dikembangkan oleh russia
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array
salah satu teknik packaging utk jenis komp memory. dmn terlht dr pengg bola2 minh dibwh chip dlm menghubungkanya dgn PCB.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Front Side Bus
Front Side Bus
istilah yg biasanya mempresentasikan kecepatan (mhz) utk bus yg digunakan oleh berbagai komponen atau peripheral yg berhubungan dgn CPU
mengacu pada bisnis melalui Internet. Situs web seperti,, dan eBay adalah situs e-commerce. Dua bentuk utama e-commerce adalah Business-to-Consumer (B2C) dan Business-to-Business (B2B). Sementara perusahaan-perusahaan seperti Amazon....
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Double Data Rate
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Dual Layer
Dual Layer
teknologi recording dvd yg mampu menampung data hingga 8.5gb (biasanya 4.7gb)
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Disk Operating System
adalah istilah singkat untuk beberapa sistem operasi yang berhubungan erat yang mendominasi pasar PC IBM kompatibel antara tahun 1981 dan 1995, atau sampai sekitar 2000 jika salah satu mencakup sebagian berbasis DOS Microsoft Windows versi Windows 95, 98, dan Millenium Edition.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
teknik yg sama seperti SLI, hanya saja dikhususkan utk video card ATI.
nVIDIA meletakkan komponen compositing di dlm GPU.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Core Clock
Core Clock
kecepatan kerja chip grafis.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Complementary Metal Oxide Semicontductor
sejenis sensor gambar yg ada pd kamera digital lebih rendah dr CCD.
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
setiap halaman yg ditampilkan di browser akan disimpan dan bentuk file
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Base Station Subsystem, terdiri dr BSC & BTS menangani fungsi tranceiver dan fungsi kontrol
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Base Station Controller, perangkat dibwh MSC dan mengontrol bbrp BTS
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Base Tranceiver Station, perangkat dibwh kontrol BSC, terdiri dr prgkat radio (TX/RX) dan mencakup 1-3 sel
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
angka yg menunjukkan tingkatan kompresi pd audio coding
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
online journal and diary
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
jumlah data yg ditransmisikan dalam jangka waktu tertentu.
untuk ekspresi digital adalah bps, untuk analog adalah Hertz.
OS yg dikembangkan oleh Be Inc. pd thn 1991.
berjln kali pertama pd hardware BeBox.
dibuat khusus utk hardware2 modern terutama pekerjaan digital media.
menggunakan multi processor dgn I/O bandwidth, pervasive multithreading, preemptive multitasking & kostumasi 64bit journaled file system (BFS)
Accelerated Graphic Port
port berbasis interface PCI yg khusus didesign utk akselerasi 3D.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
kode brupa seperangkat karakter 8bit berbentuk 1 & 0.
mewakili 256 jenis karakter.
mewakili 256 jenis karakter.
software versi kali pertama dibuat dlm masa pengujian.
icon grafikal yg mewakili org dlm dunia cyber.
icon grafikal yg mewakili org dlm dunia cyber.
Friday, March 26, 2010
tar Command
#tar.gz or tgz extraction
tar -xvzf *.tgz/tar.gz
#tar extraction
tar -xvf *.tar
#file contents
tar -tvf *.tar
#tgz/tar.gz packaging
tar -cvzf file dir
#tar packaging
tar -cvf file dir
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Perintah tar
#membongkar tar.gz dan tgz
tar -xvzf *.tgz/tar.gz
#membongkar tar
tar -xvf *.tar
#isi file
tar -tvf *.tar
#untuk pemaketan tgz/tar.gz
tar -cvzf file dir
#untuk pemaketan tar
tar -cvf file dir
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
tar -xvzf *.tgz/tar.gz
#tar extraction
tar -xvf *.tar
#file contents
tar -tvf *.tar
#tgz/tar.gz packaging
tar -cvzf file dir
#tar packaging
tar -cvf file dir
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Perintah tar
#membongkar tar.gz dan tgz
tar -xvzf *.tgz/tar.gz
#membongkar tar
tar -xvf *.tar
#isi file
tar -tvf *.tar
#untuk pemaketan tgz/tar.gz
tar -cvzf file dir
#untuk pemaketan tar
tar -cvf file dir
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
tips n tricks,
Tweaking Windows Startup (Windowx XP)
notepad | del c:\windows\prefetch\ntosboot-*.* /q | save as ntosboot.bat c:\ | run | gpedit.msc | computer configuration | windows settings | shutdown | properties | add | browse | ntosboot.bat | open | ok | apply | ok | run | devmgmt.msc | dclick IDE ATA/ATAPI controller | dclick primary IDE channel | properties | advanced settings | device 0 or 1 | device type | none | ok | rclick secondary IDE channel | properties | advanced settings | device 0 or 1 | device type | none | ok | restart
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Lockpc Shortcut
rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Shutdown Shortcut
c:\windows\rundll32.exe shell32.dll, SHExitWindowsEx 0xnumber
value :
logoff = 0
shutdown = 1
restart = 2
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
value :
logoff = 0
shutdown = 1
restart = 2
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Gmail POP and SMTP Setting
Address :
SSL : yes
Port : 995
Address :
Use Auth : yes
Use StartTLS/SSL : yes
Port : 465 or 587
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Setting POP dan SMTP Gmail
Address :
SSL : yes
Port : 995
Address :
Use Auth : yes
Use StartTLS/SSL : yes
Port : 465 or 587
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
Address :
SSL : yes
Port : 995
Address :
Use Auth : yes
Use StartTLS/SSL : yes
Port : 465 or 587
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
[ indonesian translation ]
Setting POP dan SMTP Gmail
Address :
SSL : yes
Port : 995
Address :
Use Auth : yes
Use StartTLS/SSL : yes
Port : 465 or 587
"curiosity is motivation"
"letz share coz i only ask for information"
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